Solar Energy for Drying Patchouli Leaves

Kedung Jampang village in Purbalingga is renowned for producing high-quality patchouli oil, widely used in the cosmetic, perfume, and soap industries. The production process involves distillation, a crucial step that affects the quality and consistency of the final product. Nuryanto, a pioneer in using environmentally friendly technology, has implemented a solar-powered distillation system, showcasing remarkable innovation in harnessing renewable energy.

By utilizing solar panels, farmers can save costs and increase their patchouli oil production. Even during the rainy season, they can continue drying patchouli leaves with the support of solar energy. In just one day, Nuryanto can produce 6 kg of patchouli oil, and in one month, his output reaches 165 kg. This patchouli oil is highly valuable to the local community, serving as their primary source of income. The installation of solar panels by ATW Solar has been chosen by Mr. Nuryanto to support environmentally friendly drying processes for patchouli leaves.

The solar-based drying system ensures consistent results, even in the rainy season. By harnessing clean, reliable, and renewable energy from the sun, this system provides an efficient and sustainable solution for local farmers. Thanks to this innovation, the production process of patchouli oil has become more optimal and positively impacts the village’s economy!

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